S2ENGINE HD  1.4.6
Official manual about S2Engine HD editor and programming

Base Class: Entity



This object is a special kind of entity that represents a character of the physical system. When instanced Character requests the physics system to create a physical character. The shape is defined automatically, it is character shape.

  • dims: (vector3) used to define the extension of the collision shape.
  • offset: (vector3) used to define the position of the collision shape respect the origin of the object.
  • coltype: (enum) unused (character has always character shape).

Character also has other params that are common to some other entities:

  • mass: (float) mass of the character.
  • elasticity: (float) restitution force, acting on the opposite direction of the character movement when it collides something.
  • staticFriction: (float) static friction force, acting when object doesn't move.
  • dynamicFriction: (float) dynamic friction force, acting when object moves.

For more informations about Characters see Physics.

Handnode(string) name of the node representing a hand of character.

Receiving Messages


Sending Messages


See also