S2ENGINE HD  1.4.6
Official manual about S2Engine HD editor and programming

Base Class: SceneObject



This is the base camera object. It must be added to the scene to view something during the simulation. The camera object is generally attached to and object like a character to follow it.

Nearnear plane of camera (default 4).
Farfar plane of camera. -1 means infinite far plane. (default -1)
fovCamera field of view. default is 60.
nearFocusMax Distance of the NEAR camera depth of field. Pixel depth between 0 and nearFocus are OUT of Focus. Pixels behind this value are in focus until Far Focus value
farFocusMax Distance of the FAR camera depth of field. Pixels depth behind this value are OUT of focus

Receiving Messages

Name Description Content parameters
Shake Camera shaking. Useful to simulate explosions effects. message#0: time of shaking.

Sending Messages


See also