S2ENGINE HD  1.4.6
Official manual about S2Engine HD editor and programming

Base Class: StaticGeom



Cloud is a static object used for populating the scene with 3d clouds. Sky have its clouds plane, representing distant clouds, that is a simple textured layer to which is applied a special shader. Cloud objects, instead, are tridimensional and can be placed in every part of the scene, also on mountains. It is composed by a set of max 100 cloud particles. Each particle is represented as billboard always facing the camera. Cloud Particles are equally distributed to form a sphere. Generally material applied to cloud particles is an alpha blended material which color is also influenced by sun light color.

Material(material filename) filename of the material used to represent a single cloud particle.
numparticles(int) number of cloud particles. It can assumes values for 1 to 100.
particlesize(float) size, of the cloud particles. Default is 10.
radius(float) radius of the cloud. Default is 50.

Receiving Messages


Sending Messages


See also