
RELEASE NOTES version 2019.1

Make Your Game, Play Your Game

RELEASE NOTES version 2019.1


  • [BUG FIXED] Crash when resetting the collision mesh of an object into prefab editor
  • [BUG FIXED] In some cases No skin mesh imported from FBX file when CollapseFBX option is checked
  • [BUG FIXED] When blending animations between 2 states in a GameMachine for the first time, the animations aren’t blended well
  • [BUG FIXED] When adding a single type animation to an animation list in Model editor the speed of the animation in modelviewport isn’t set in right way
  • [BUG FIXED] Crash if you add a new animation without first inserting a name for it
  • [BUG FIXED] If you close the modelviewport and, in model editor tool, add a new single animation BUT you don’t assign any source anim, then if you select the added animation and open the modelviewport the animation isn’t played and model disappears.
  • [NEW] Now, when you add a new animation in model tool, the latest added animation is automatically selected.
  • [BUG FIXED] When you click on the name of a variable into the lists of vars tab FSM tool, the variable is deleted.
  • [NEW] Added “StartDebug” menu option (F6 the shortcut) for starting the game simulation with debug Draw mode enabled.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Skinned models capsule for ragdolls now are independent from nodes scaling (this removes the limitation to models with no scaled nodes for using ragdolls)
  • [NEW] Added new “Wait” action, for states synchronization, in GameMachine
  • [NEW] Added possibility to set variable for “maxLinearAcc” parameter of “AISetCharacterMaxSpeed” Action
  • [NEW] Added possibility to set variable for “maxAngularAcc” parameter of “AISetCharacterMaxSpeed” Action
  • [NEW] Added possibility to set variable for “maxLinearSpeed” parameter of “AISetCharacterMaxSpeed” Action
  • [NEW] Added possibility to set variable for “maxAngularSpeed” parameter of “AISetCharacterMaxSpeed” Action
  • [BUG FIXED] When copy model joints/capsules data (from model tool in physics tab) capsules orientation isn’t copied
  • [BUG FIXED] When selecting objects from Objects tool tab using the SHIFT+LeftMouseButton combination, the first and last selections are duplicated.
  • [NEW] Added possibility to set variable for all parameters of “AICreateCharacter” action
  • [NEW] Added support for navigation meshes
  • [NEW] Now AI areas (forbiddenArea, WaypointArea and new NavigationArea) can be closed, during creation phase, not only by overlapping first and last point BUT also by clicking middle mouse button
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Removed diffuse color banding artifacts in dark tones
  • [NEW] Added StartFullscreen editor option for starting game simulation in fullscreen mode
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Now when you collapse a parameters section in Class and Prefab tools and then update the object or change a parameter the section state (collapsed/expanded) is kept
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Now when resizing the scene, model and prefab viewports, toolbar icons do not overlap
  • [BUGFIX] Crash when clicking on “Compressed” checkbox into Texture tool and no texture is selected
  • [BUGFIX] Crash when clicking on “IsNormalmap” checkbox into Texture tool and no texture is selected
  • [NEW] Terrain elevate / smooth / step / ramp tools has been grouped in a single tool called “sculpt
  • [NEW] A new Terrain tool, called “edit tiles” has been added for adding / removing tiles from the terrain
  • [BUGFIX] When renaming a GMS asset and it is referenced by an object just existing into the scene, if you delete the object and then re-insert into the scene the object prefab, engine crashes.
  • [BUGFIX] When renaming an asset, if it has a reference into some prefab files, it is not updated into the prefab files and in Prefab tool.
  • [NEW] Added “MoveTo” option in the project browser for moving file from a folder to another.
  • [BUGFIX] When importing an asset package into a project STX textures of the package aren’t added to the project.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] When you try to paint on a material without a mask now a warning message is displayed.
  • [BUGFIX] If the filename of a texture to import contains dots other then the one for separating the file extension, the texture isn’t imported
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added support for variable in targetDistance,displaceX,displaceY,targetPitch parameters of Orbit Action
  • [NEW] Added support for rain blocking volumes (useful for avoiding indoor rain)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Now while you are connecting two states you can scroll the FSM viewport
  • [NEW] Added “Lock” button to some vector3d and vector2d parameters, such as object scale and UV tiling (for locking coordinate values).
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Now Scaling by gizmo is better calibrated and more usable
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Now Scaling and Translate gizmo become completely yellow when mouse cursor is on selected object for applying transforms to all 3 axis.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Now when you insert a prefab with one or more hierarchies into the scene, only the root objects of the hierarchies are selected.
  • [NEW] Added the possibility to select every object inside a hierarchy, after selecting one object of the hierarchy, by using up and down arrow keys.
  • [BUGFIX] Cannot release a layer mask from a material
  • [BUGFIX] Non-power-Of-Two RGB textures aren’t loaded well and, in the worst case, can cause system to crash.
  • [NEW] Added Render->Buffers->Albedo option into Editor main menu
  • [NEW] Added Render->Buffers->Normal option into Editor main menu
  • [NEW] Added BoxVolume object class
  • [NEW] Added ShadowMap cache system
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Values of MacroGloss parameter of a material into Material properties tab now are inverted
  • [NEW] Added parameter LayerMask to SendMessageInRange Action
  • [NEW] Added parameter LayerMask to SendEventInRange Action
  • [NEW] Added parameter LayerMask to SendEventBroad Action
  • [IMPROVEMENT] 10x faster mip-mapped STX texture synchronization when compressed
  • [NEW] Added “Rough Brightness” parameter into texture editor
  • [NEW] Added “Alpha Contrast” and “Alpha Brightness” parameters into texture editor
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Improved Spolight cone fallof
  • [NEW] Parameter “fallof” replaced with “InnerFov” paramneter in lights that must be used only when light is a SPOTLIGHT.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Improved light attenuation
  • [BUGFIX] A sound source cannot be paused
  • [NEW] Now ShowSwitch can also pause and resume sound sources of target objects.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Increased the number of lights per primitive for Transparent surfaces
  • [NEW] Added button “AttachTo” to HierarchyFrame that lets you to Attach an object to another object by picking the second object from scene or selecting the object from hierarchy frame.
  • [NEW] Added Sphere and Tube Area Lights
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Sun light now has an area
  • [NEW] Added possibility to set parameter “smooth” with a variable into following GameMachine actions: SetObjectLocalPos, SetCameraFov, Orbit, SetOrientationFromCamera, LookAt, NodeLookAt, SetObjectLocalOrientation, SetOrientationFromObject, SetPositionFromObject, Align
  • [NEW] Added Render->Debug->LightsOverlap option into Editor main menu, for checking how many lights overlap
  • [NEW] Added support for navigation meshes
  • [NEW] Added parameters “NotFoundEvent” and “delay” to AIFindPath action
  • [NEW] Added parameters “NotFoundEvent” and “delay” to AIGetFurthestCoverPoint, AIGetFurthestTacticalPoint, AIGetNearestAllowedPoint, AIGetNearestCoverPoint, AIGetNearestTacticalPoint actions
  • [NEW] Added possibility to set custom splashscreen during deployed game runtime startup. The custom splashscreen is easly set from the publish dialog.
  • [NEW] Added configuration presets for rendering quality specs: Ultra low, very Low, low, medium, high, very high, ultra high.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Improved lod alpha transition dithering (now it uses ordered dithering)
  • [NEW] Added new S2Script function KinematiocMove()
  • [NEW] Added to GameMachine SpawnObjects action output parameter that keeps list of spawned objects names.
  • [NEW] Added possibility to use a variable for the parameter “value” into the GetObjectParam gameMachine action.
  • [BUG FIXED] GameMachine State containing only “one-time” actions isn’t executed if it started by a FINISHED event from previous state and expects a “FINISHED” event to pass to another state.
  • [BUG FIXED] When loading a new level by using “LoadLevel” gameMachine action or “LoadLevel” script function the loaded level framerate is not well synchronized (frame stuttering).


  • [BUG FIXED] When using slider for editing windows height, windows height is set to a wrong value that cannot be changed.


  • [NEW] Now player lamp flickers when battery is low
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added smoothing to player lamp movement